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Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Windows Seven Alienware

wahh ^,^ makin enyak nihh melihat tampilan windows alienware... nga nyangka, dulu mengharap laptop alienware dibelikan tapiii huuuuuu harganya mending di nyicil motor ^,^. bagi yang punya nasib kyk saya mendingan instal windows ini saja paling tidak merubah tampilan dari windows 7 yang biasa menjadi windows 7 alienware n tampilannya alienware . Itu untuk masalah tampilan dalam , jika ingin lagi mengubah tampilan luar silahkan pergi ke tukang las listrik, jangan lupa bawa laptop or pc , bilang ama tukangnya "mangggg tolong upgrade tampilan luar laptop/pc menjadi bentuk alienware" wkwkwkwkw (not recommended) pasti manggg tukang las listriknya akan senang ngelass laptop kamuuu wkwkwk.^,^

yahh sudah basa-basinya..... yang mau download mudah saja klik saja linknya di bawah, link yang digunakan mediafire lumayan cepat. sebelum mendownload sebaiknya melihat dulu spesifikasi n fitur yang ada dalam windows ini (tapi saya yakin pasti malas baca ap lagi bahasa inggris)

Model: Windows Se7en ® Alienware Special Edition™
Tahun dibuat: 2010 [ 10/22/2010]
Versi: 6.1.7600.16481 [Release Candidate 1.5.0]
Platform: x86 (32bit)
Bahasa: English
Ukuran: (2.87 GB) singgg sabar mendownloadnya

Setup Language=en-US
manufacturer=Devils International Team
Model=Windows Se7en ® Alienware Special Edition™
Currency and date format=English (United States)
UI Language=en-US
Timezone=(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
[System requirements]
* Any computer that supports Windows 7
* Central processor x86 or x86-64 with a 1 GHz
* RAM 1 GB
* Hard Drive Space 10 GB (minimum space for installation - 8 GB)
* A graphics processor that supports DirectX 9 and 128 MB of memory.
* A DVD-ROM drive
* Keyboard and mouse
[Explorer Shortcuts]
Programes and Features=Enable
Administrative Tools=Enable
Control Panel=Enable
Windows Update=Enable
Anti spyware=Default
Windows Firewall=Default
UXTheme patch=Enable
PowerDown After Shutdown=Enable
Auto Restart in the event of BSOD=Enable
Show start menu search=Enable
*Disable automatic reboot when BSOD
*MSN settings
*Disable Hibernate
*Disable UAC notify
*Show Windows classic folders (File -- Edit -- View -- Tools -- Help)
*Disable grouping of system tray icons
*Show detailed Device settings in device manager
*Show all hidden devices in device manager
*Remove " - Shortcut" Suffix from shortcuts
*Set Control Panel on Classic View and small icons
*Use Small Icons on start menu
*Show the full path in minimized explorer windows
*Make the text white in command windows
*Disable file association web-service - Bypassing "Browse web for program" to open unknown extension.
*Add "Device Manager" to the right click menu of "Computer"
*Add "Advanced System Properties" to the right click menu of "Computer"
*Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links
*Make the Windows registration with Microsoft unnecessary
*Remote Registry disabled
*Disable the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
*Notepad saves window position
*Disable 'Windows Defender' startup
*Enable Status bar in Notepad
*Enable Status Bar in all windows
*Enable Glass Effect (DWM) without a supported card
*Enable addition Avalon effects
*Disable Tool Tips
*maximum simultaneous downloads for IE to 20 ( default is 2 )
*Enable ClearType Tuning
*add 'open with notepad' to right context
*Disable User Account Control ( UAC )
*get rid of the Windows Mail splash screen
*Disable Windows Media Player AutoUpdates
*turn off start menu baloon tips
*Enable slow-motion window effects (min/max/3dflip) by holding down Shift key.
*faster browsing with IE
*Disable automatic updates
*add command prompt to right click context menu
*enable detection of program compatibility assistant
*Enable ClearType Tuning
*add 'Copy to Folder' to right click context
*add 'Move to Folder' to right click context
*add 'open with notepad' to right context
*Disable Windows Media Player AutoUpdates
*Add"Advanced System Properties" to right-click on Computer
*faster browsing with IE - added 31 dec 2006
*Taking OwnerShip of File in right click menu
*Fast shutdown and system information in dxdiag
*Add User Account2 to control panel
*Speedup access to AVI Files
*Enable Boot optimization
*Disable group policy updates on logon
*Adds MSCONFIG to right click on My Computer
* And many other tweaks already integrated!
[Other New Add]
*Update For Windows 7
*New Screen Saver
*New Themes
*New WallPapers
*New Gadgets
*New Sample Musics

lumayan sangar kan tampilannya keren yang mau download silahkan link di bawah ini. ada 14 part

part 1
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14

semoga bermanfaat

3 komentar:

  1. gan,. part 1 nya mana,. part 10 ada 2 tuh,. tolong part 1 du upload,. please

  2. sory gan ane lupa, sudah ane edit part 1nya klik aja part 9. sowryy^,^ jarang ol krena laptop rusak

  3. gan ulun download filnya kga bisa... gmana?
